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path: root/4_delete.py
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authormia <mia@mia.jetzt>2024-10-04 15:43:40 -0700
committermia <mia@mia.jetzt>2024-10-04 15:43:40 -0700
commit7e060e5cf2656a0a53d41ea0ff42b753316cd441 (patch)
tree2629f3d1e12d21c406974000dd195518aa5b6041 /4_delete.py
parentbb8a48fd4d85ba4f8224c68aaaf9069d5d79dae2 (diff)
she's goin
Diffstat (limited to '4_delete.py')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/4_delete.py b/4_delete.py
index 51e1ef3..615fbab 100644
--- a/4_delete.py
+++ b/4_delete.py
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
+import sys
+import time
 from pathlib import Path
 import httpx
 import psycopg
-from com import eval_config, parse_graph, progressbar
+from com import eval_config, parse_graph, progressbar, FilterAction
 config = eval_config()
 conn: psycopg.Connection = config["connect"]()
@@ -13,21 +15,129 @@ api: str = config["api"]
 graph = parse_graph()
 print("reading filterlist")
 filtered = Path("filtered.list").read_text().strip().splitlines()
+filtered = list(map(lambda line: line.split(' '), filtered))
+print("building queue")
 queue = []
-def enqueue(note):
+def enqueue(note, action):
     for reply in note["replies"]:
-        enqueue(graph[reply])
+        enqueue(graph[reply], action)
     for quote in note["quotes"]:
-        enqueue(graph[quote])
+        enqueue(graph[quote], action)
     if "self" in note["flags"]:
-        files = conn.execute('select "fileIds" from note where id = %s', [note["id"]]).fetchone()[0]
-        queue.append((note["id"], files))
+        queue.append((note["id"], action))
-for id in filtered:
-    enqueue(graph[id])
+for id, action in filtered:
+    enqueue(graph[id], FilterAction(action))
+class CustomETA(progressbar.ETA):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.history = []
+        self.lastval = None
+        progressbar.ETA.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-# client = httpx.Client()
+    def _calculate_eta(self, progress, data, value, elapsed):
+        if self.lastval != value:
+            self.history = [*self.history[-9:], elapsed.total_seconds()]
+            self.lastval = value
+        per_item = (self.history[-1] - self.history[0]) / len(self.history)
+        remaining = (progress.max_value - value) * per_item
+        spent = elapsed.total_seconds() - self.history[-1]
+        return max(remaining - spent, 0)
+pb = progressbar.ProgressBar(
+    0,
+    len(queue),
+    widgets=[
+        progressbar.Variable("message", format="{formatted_value}"),
+        " ",
+        progressbar.Percentage(),
+        " ",
+        progressbar.Bar(),
+        " ",
+        progressbar.SimpleProgress("%(value_s)s/%(max_value_s)s"),
+        " ",
+        CustomETA(),
+    ],
+    variables={"status": "work"}
+pb.update(0) # force initial display
+client = httpx.Client(timeout=60)
+seeking = False
+last_req = 0
+for note, action in queue:
+    # seek through queue
+    # helps prevent rate limits on resumed deletions
+    if seeking:
+        while True:
+            resp = client.post(f"{api}/notes/show", json={
+                "i": token,
+                "noteId": note,
+            })
+            if resp.status_code == 502:
+                pb.update(message="down")
+                time.sleep(1)
+                continue
+            break
+        if resp.status_code == 404:
+            pb.increment(message="seeking")
+            continue
+        seeking = False
+    # wait for queue to empty
+    while True:
+        resp = client.post(f"{api}/admin/queue/stats", json={"i": token})
+        if resp.status_code == 502:
+            pb.update(message="down")
+            time.sleep(1)
+            continue
+        deliver_waiting = resp.json()["deliver"]["waiting"]
+        obliterate_waiting = resp.json()["obliterate"]["waiting"]
+        obliterate_delayed = resp.json()["obliterate"]["delayed"]
+        if deliver_waiting < 100 and obliterate_waiting + obliterate_delayed< 50000:
+            break
+        pb.update(message=f"queue ({deliver_waiting}/{obliterate_waiting + obliterate_delayed})")
+        time.sleep(10)
+    # prevent api rate limiting
+    req_delay = time.time() - last_req
+    if req_delay < 15:
+        pb.update(message="delaying")
+        time.sleep(req_delay)
+    # queue new deletions
+    err = 0
+    while True:
+        resp = client.post(f"{api}/notes/delete", json={
+            "i": token,
+            "noteId": note,
+            "obliterate": action == FilterAction.Obliterate,
+        })
+        if resp.status_code == 429:
+            pb.update(status="limit")
+            time.sleep(1)
+            continue
+        elif resp.status_code == 502:
+            pb.update(status="down")
+            continue
+            time.sleep(1)
+        elif resp.status_code >= 400:
+            body = resp.json()
+            if body["error"]["code"] == "NO_SUCH_NOTE":
+                pb.increment(message="seeking")
+                seeking = True
+                break
+            err += 1
+            if err > 10:
+                raise Exception(f"{body['error']['code']}: {body['error']['message']}")
+            sys.stdout.write("\r")
+            print(f"err {body['error']['code']} {body['error']['message']} ")
+            time.sleep(30)
+        pb.increment(message="deleting")
+        last_req = time.time()
+        break